HRW Higher Ground
John Graff of Hirsch Roberts Weinstein LLP is a nationally recognized higher education attorney with extensive experience advising colleges and universities on matters unique to higher education, including Title IX compliance, investigations and litigation; advice and audit representation in U.S. Department of Education Clery Act compliance reviews; and all matters related to student affairs operations. John also provides logistical consulting to campus law enforcement agencies throughout the country concerning all aspects of police operations. Visit us online:
HRW Higher Ground
It's Not the Setback, It's the Get Back
Season 1
Episode 21
In our second episode of the year, John talks about the many difficult challenges facing higher ed leadership in 2021. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, social justice and political issues, and the pressure of social media watching it all. John comments on the critical necessity of leadership optimism tempered with realism, resilience, and risk taking focused on re-orienting toward the common goal of educating to promote positive growth in society. To illustrate the point, John discusses the Stockdale Paradox and describes the way a kind man, Kenneth, works to lead people toward a more positive and kinder influence through his optimism, resilience, and ‘pay it forward mentality.’
Media Mentions:
- N. Onishi, Will American Ideas Tear France Apart? Some of Its Leaders Think So, New York Times (Feb. 9, 2021, updated Feb. 10, 2021)
- Live Coronavirus Updates: Here’s the Latest, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Feb. 10, 2021
- D. Collier, et al, We Want You Back: Uncovering the Influences on In-Person Instructional operations in Fall 2020, Feb. 2021
- B. Groysberg and R. Abrahams, What the Stockdale Paradox Tells Us About Crisis Leadership, Harvard Business School, Aug. 17, 2020